Google Reviews
5 stars - "I love Crockers! It is a proper Aladdin's cave - inside you can find wellingtons, watch batteries, watering cans, knitting wool, kettles, knives, and all manner of other things. The staff are so lovely and helpful, and sometimes you even get a cuddle with Lara and Jack, the gorgeous canine members of staff." - Jeannie Pryce-Davies​
4 stars - "This hardware shop is a local store with helpful knowledgeable staff. It is well stocked and although somethings are a few pence dearer than large DIY stores, saves a trip to Yeovil or Blandford, so it is worth a visit." - barbara clark
5 stars - Lovely old fashion hardware store with knowledgeable staff and very helpful - Marg Miles
5 stars - A Good old fashioned hardware store with everything you would expect it to have and plenty you probably hadn't thought of! - Jeremy Franks
5 stars - "A great style traditional ironmongers similiar in style to the old Robert Dyas stores. Lovely to have the option in Gillingham to not have to go out of town and we have this shop" - Azam Chaudhri
5 stars - "This shop had everything I wanted plus good service and prices" - Kevin Rice
Terms & Conditions of instore purchases.
If you change your mind about your purchase, please return the unused goods to us with the original till receipt within 14 days and we will offer you an exchange or credit note. This does not affect your usual consumer rights, including your right to claim a refund, replacement, repair and/or compensation where the goods are faulty or misdescribed.
Please note;
This shop does not supply goods on approval
This shop does not lend goods or services in any manner
We will not accept goods for return if the packaging has been damaged, opened, stuck back together or is presented to us in a condition other than brand new.
Our staff may offer opinions on products, however none are trained experts so the final decision on buying a product remains that of the consumer.
At all times the user should read the instructions provided and act in accordance with them
If more information is required refer to the contact information on the product
Gillingham Dorset
​"Gillingham, the Leddenton of Thomas Hardy's novels, is situated in the Blackmore Vale, and is the most northerly town in Dorset. The town is in a convenient position for anyone wishing to explore the surrounding area, as it is on the main railway line from Exeter to London, and only four miles from the main London to Penzance trunk road.
Gillingham became a thriving centre for the local farming community and built the first Grammar School in Dorset in 1526. By the end of the 18th century, it also had a silk mill. The local church has a 14th century chancel, but mostly dates from the 19th and 20th centuries. There are still many 15th century buildings surviving in the town." - Dorset Guide